Weird Animal News
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the world of animals

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Rescue and Conservation
Rescued Chimpanzee Is Awestruck by Open Sky After Living in a Lab Cage
After living in a small cage at a research lab, a chimpanzee is awestruck when seeing the sky for the first time at her new sanctuary home.
Orca Whales Are Attacking Boats for a Unique Reason, Theorize Researchers
Over the past three years, orca whales have been mysteriously attacking boats — and researchers theorize it’s due to a unique reason.
Fast Man Beat a Horse in a Race
With four legs and long strides, horses have a speed advantage over humans — but recently, a fast man beat a horse in a race.
Dog With Cancer Goes on ‘Last Walk’ — Community Fills the Streets With Love
Mellow, a sweet dog, was diagnosed with cancer. Before dying, she went on one “last walk” — and the community filled the streets with love.
Family Finds Missing Dog at Pet Adoption Event When Looking for New Puppy
After their beloved dog was missing for five months, a family found her when looking for a new puppy at a pet adoption event.
Brothers Have Bird Ambulance Motorcycles to Save Injured Birds — 50,000 Rescued
View this unique story of two brothers that have a bird ambulance motorcycle service to save injured and sick birds in Delhi, India.
New Birth Control Shot for Cats Could Make Spay Surgery a Thing of the Past
Scientists developed a new birth control shot for cats. It could be an alternative to spay surgery — and address the feral cat overpopulation problem.
Mother Gorilla Bonds With Human Baby, Then Shows Her Own Child
Watch this touching video of a mother gorilla that bonds with a human baby, then shows her own child.
Dog Breaks World Record for the Longest Tongue — Longer Than a Soda Can!
A Labrador-German Shepherd recently broke the Guinness World Record for the longest tongue for a living dog.
Elephant Miraculously Walks Again With Giant Prosthetic Foot
Check out this heartwarming story of an Asian elephant that can walk again because of a giant prosthetic foot.
Mark Putzer and Weird Animal News
I’m Mark Putzer, and my passion for animals and all things nature is a lifelong love affair. Growing up in Wisconsin, I had many cherished memories of hiking, skiing, and enjoying the abundant wildlife in the Badger State.
My passion for animals led me to marine biology research for my studies at the University of Wisconsin. I researched the behavior and communication of humpback whales around Hawaii and Orca Whales around the San Juan Islands of Washington State. The experience of being close to these massive and magnificent creatures is amazing. Later, I taught outdoor education to children in California — passing along my knowledge of animals and nature to the curious minds of the next generation.
I also love pets. This includes a Labrador Retriever dog named “Molly” when I was a kid — and now, an adventurous tabby cat named “Rosy.”
Animal Articles
I’m here to share the wonders of the animal kingdom with you. Whether it’s a cherished pet at home or an animal out in the wild, there are many unique stories and interesting information to share on Weird Animal News!
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Photo credits: Humpback whale | Whit Welles via Wikimedia Commons; Cat | Mark Putzer; Dog | Conner Darnell via Unsplash; Elephant | Wolfgang Hasselmann via Unsplash; Hummingbird | Joshua J. Cotten via Unsplash; Orangutans | Dimitry B via Unsplash