
Prosthetic devices have made major advances in recent years, greatly improving mobility. These advances aren’t just for people, but also for animals. Dogs, cats, and others have a new lease on life. Additionally, there’s a unique prosthetic for an animal much bigger: an elephant. Check out this heartwarming story of an Asian elephant in Cambodia that can miraculously walk again because of a giant prosthetic foot.

Asian elephant in Cambodia lost its foot after getting ensnared in a trap

Chhouk, an 11-year-old Asian elephant, sadly lost his foot when it was ensnared in a poacher’s trap when he was young. Unfortunately, poaching is still a significant problem around the world, especially for elephants. 

With the damage to the foot, it had to be amputated. In the past, that might have spelled the end for the elephant. Without the ability to walk, he wouldn’t be able to forage for food and do other things necessary for survival.

Prosthetic foot made of recycled plastics enables elephant to walk

Close-up view of giant prosthetic foot on Asian elephant
Prosthetic foot on elephant | Independent via YouTube

However, that wasn’t the end for Chouk. The Wildlife Alliance, a conservation organization in Cambodia, rescued the Asian elephant and fitted him with a 44-pound prosthetic foot. It’s made of recycled car tires and strapping from tow trucks. The device also features foam to make it more comfortable. 

With $1,450 in yearly funding from the Paradise Wildlife Park in the United Kingdom, the elephant receives a new prosthetic foot every six months. This enables him to walk and do other activities, such as swimming, as detailed by Good News Network. He can even run at a brisk pace without any issues. The multi-ton animal now lives at the Wildlife Alliance, with attentive care from keepers at the park.

How does the prosthetic device work?

Recently, Cam Whitnall from England visited the elephant at the Wildlife Alliance park in Cambodia. His family runs the Paradise Wildlife Park and Big Cat Sanctuary. As shown in the video, it’s an interesting setup for the prosthetic foot. 

The video starts with Whitnall holding the device. It’s so big that it’s more than half the man’s height. 

Before placing the prosthetic on the foot, staff at Wildlife Alliance clean it to reduce any infections and sores. Then, they insert a sleeve, with Chouk gently lifting his leg to make it easier for the staff. The team also uses a small contraption to isolate the leg. After that, they place the foot on the elephant. 

The process of putting the prosthetic is aided through positive reinforcement training. As a reward for allowing the team to install the foot, they give the elephant a coconut. Of course, the biggest reward of all is the ability to walk again and live a full life. 

Whitnall said, “The level of care that he gets is brilliant and he has a great life now. There’s no better feeling.” 

Prosthetics aren’t just for humans — or even pets like dogs and cats. With the giant prosthetic foot, this majestic Asian elephant can keep on walking — and enjoy “big juicy coconuts” too.

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Header image: Independent via YouTube

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