
Weird Animal News

Entertaining stories from
the world of animals

Yellow Labrador retriever dog laying on a sofa
Front view of elephant
Hummingbird flying
Orangutan mother holding a baby in a forest in Indonesia
Rosy the cat looking up

Latest Animal News

Frog on wet plant, showing how animals change behavior in rain

How Animals Behave Differently in the Rain: Nature’s Wet Symphony Unveiled

by | Aug 1, 2024 | Pets,Wild Animals | 0 Comments

Rain unleashes a symphony of nature with changes in animal behavior: birds hunt, frogs call, mammals forage, and insects thrive. See the fascinating ways animals adapt and thrive in the dance of droplets.
Bat sticking its tongue out, showing how nocturnal survive and see in the dark and at night

Thriving at Night With Nocturnal Animals: How They See and Survive in the Dark

by | Jul 1, 2024 | Bats,Foxes,Leopards,Owls,Raccoons,Wild Animals,Wolves | 0 Comments

Explore the captivating world of nocturnal animals as they navigate the dark with extraordinary adaptations. Learn how they see, survive, and thrive at night, showcasing their remarkable nocturnal lifestyles.
Orange tabby cat in a tree, highlighting how cats became domesticated at pets

How Did Cats Become Domesticated? — From Wild Predator to Beloved Pet

by | Jun 1, 2024 | Cats,Pets | 0 Comments

Trace the intriguing journey of cats from solitary wild hunters to beloved household pets, focusing on their domestication, genetic adaptations, and cultural impact.
Bottlenose dolphin with mouth open, show its intelligence and how smart

Intelligence of Dolphins: How Smart Are They?

by | May 1, 2024 | Dolphins,Wild Animals | 0 Comments

Dive into the fascinating world of dolphins, where their incredible intelligence, from tool use to complex social bonds, challenges our understanding of animal cognition.
Close-up view of sad dog, showing how to cope with a dying pet

How to Cope With a Dying Pet: Navigating the Final Days With Love

by | Apr 1, 2024 | Cats,Dogs,Pets | 0 Comments

View our heartfelt guide on navigating your pet's final days, offering insights on how to provide the utmost love, comfort, and dignity in these tender moments.
Face of Black bear, highlighting the secret life of city bears

Secret Lives of City Bears: Adapting to Urban Jungles

by | Mar 1, 2024 | Bears,Wild Animals | 0 Comments

Check out the surprising world of city bears, as they cleverly navigate our urban jungles, adapting in extraordinary ways to coexist with us.
Hand on cat's head, showing how cats improve mental health

Cats and Mental Health: How Feline Companionship Improves Well-being

by | Feb 1, 2024 | Cats,Pets | 0 Comments

Cats, with their calming presence, offer significant mental health benefits such as reducing stress, providing companionship, and intuitive emotional support.
Elephant painting on canvas, showing the controversy of elephant art

Artistry of Elephant Painting: Creativity, Controversy, and Conservation

by | Jan 1, 2024 | Elephants,Rescue & Conservation,Wild Animals | 0 Comments

Step into the realm of elephant art, where creativity meets controversy, as we look at ethical concerns and the role these gentle giants play in global conservation initiatives.

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Wild Animals

Rescue and Conservation

Canine Careers: Unique Jobs for Dogs

Canine Careers: Unique Jobs for Dogs

Canine careers are more than fetching balls. Dogs become search and rescue heroes, truffle hunters, conservation aids, and even acting stars — showing their versatile talents.

Mark Putzer and Weird Animal News

Beautiful sunset over forest in Wisconsin for Weird Animal News and Mark Putzer

I’m Mark Putzer, and my passion for animals and all things nature is a lifelong love affair. Growing up in Wisconsin, I had many cherished memories of hiking, skiing, and enjoying the abundant wildlife in the Badger State.

My passion for animals led me to marine biology research for my studies at the University of Wisconsin. I researched the behavior and communication of humpback whales around Hawaii and Orca Whales around the San Juan Islands of Washington State. The experience of being close to these massive and magnificent creatures is amazing. Later, I taught outdoor education to children in California — passing along my knowledge of animals and nature to the curious minds of the next generation.

I also love pets. This includes a Labrador Retriever dog named “Molly” when I was a kid — and now, an adventurous tabby cat named “Rosy.”

Cat listening to music on record player for Weird Animal News

Animal Articles

I’m here to share the wonders of the animal kingdom with you. Whether it’s a cherished pet at home or an animal out in the wild, there are many unique stories and interesting information to share on Weird Animal News!


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Photo credits: Humpback whale | Whit Welles via Wikimedia Commons; Cat | Mark Putzer; Dog | Conner Darnell via Unsplash; Elephant | Wolfgang Hasselmann via Unsplash; Hummingbird | Joshua J. Cotten via Unsplash; Orangutans | Dimitry B via Unsplash

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